5 Packing Tips (Part 1)

5 Packing Tips

Packing is one of the most tedious parts of the moving process. Nobody likes to pack. If you don’t know what you’re doing you could end up with broken or lost items. It can cause stress, leave you unorganized, and worst of all it could cost you time and money. Fortunately, there are ways to do it right. Follow these 5 Packing tips to keep your things safer, be more organized, and potentially save time and money.

Packing Tip #1 – Pack an Open First/ Essential Box

Pack an open first/essential box

Pack an open first/essential box. These types of boxes are reserved for the absolute essentials. This is the stuff that you just absolutely can not lose. Things like meds, hygiene items, or other very valuable items. You do not want to be in a position where you cannot find your meds in a sea of unpacked boxes. Label essential boxes box well and put them in your own vehicle if possible.

Packing Tip #2 – Give each room a different color packing label

Give each room a different color packing label

Give each room a different color packing label. This packing tip is an absolute game-changer when it comes to keeping your move organized. When you’re at your new residence on move day put a color label on the door for the room the box goes in. For example, if the Master Bedroom box’s color label is Red then put a red label on the master bedroom door. This will immediately eliminate questions about where things go from whoever is moving your stuff. This saves time and money and keeps you organized.

Buy These Color Labels

Packing Tip #3 – Pack books and glass items in small boxes

Packing books and glass items

Pack your books and glass items in small boxes. If you pack these types of items into any boxes bigger than small they could end up getting way too heavy. When it comes to glass items like dishes the extra weight from being packed in larger boxes could cause items to break. Save your back as well as the movers and pack your books and glass items into small boxes.

Buy small boxes

Packing Tip #4 – When Packing liquids use plastic wrap to avoid spills

Using Plastic wrap to avoid spills

Use plastic wrap to avoid spills when you’re packing your liquids. The method is quite easy and very effective. Remove the cap and place a sheet of plastic wrap over the top of the liquid container. Place the cap back on and that’s it. This works with nearly any liquid with a cap.


Packing Tip #5 – When packing your plates pack them on their side

How to pack plates

When packing your plates pack them on their side. Packing them flat will make them more prone to damage and breaks. The weight from other boxes being stacked on top may just be too much for your dinner plates to handle. Better to be safe than sorry. Pack your plates on the side.

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